French Newspaper: Morocco Significant Geopolitical Player, Paris Needs to Take Further Steps to Rebuild Trust with Rabat

Since the beginning of this year, France has embarked on a series of measures aimed at repairing its relationship with Morocco, following diplomatic tensions in recent years. However, these efforts are still insufficient for Paris to regain full trust from Rabat, according to a report by the French newspaper "Le Journal du Dimanche" published on Wednesday.

The report highlights the necessity for Paris to fully restore its ties and communications with Morocco, considering the influential and important role that the kingdom now plays in the region. Morocco is described as a "major geopolitical player" today.

The article, authored by French political science professor Chritophe Boutin, notes that King Mohammed VI has transformed Morocco into a significant geopolitical actor during his quarter-century reign by focusing on various fronts, with the foremost being the establishment of internal stability.

The report points out that under King Mohammed VI, Morocco has worked to move beyond the violence of the past and overcome challenges by prioritizing stability. This approach helped the country avoid the turmoil experienced by other Arab nations during the Arab Spring by adopting an open constitution and allowing Islamists to hold power.

On the international front, the report discusses Morocco's foreign policies under King Mohammed VI, emphasizing its strategy of cooperation with the Global South. Rabat has turned its attention to Africa, resulting in numerous achievements, notably Morocco's return to the African Union, a move credited to King Mohammed VI.

The report highlights Morocco's role as a stabilizing force on Africa's Atlantic front, adding that stability is one of Morocco's strengths offered to its partners, given its rich history spanning several centuries, unlike some other countries in the region, notably Algeria.

In this context, the report points out that Algeria has been a factor in the crisis between Morocco and France. It criticizes Emmanuel Macron for deviating in his foreign policy with Rabat from the approaches of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, who focused more on maintaining stable relations with Morocco, acknowledging its greater stability compared to Algeria.

Given the many historical ties between Morocco and France, dating back centuries, "Le Journal du Dimanche" asserts that Paris should strive to rebuild trust with Morocco now more than ever.

Mon 18:00
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