Report Highlights Why the Sahara Conflict is Nearing Its End in Favor of Morocco

Many international media reports have recently agreed that the Sahara conflict is moving in Morocco's favor, especially after France entered, with its heavy weight in the United Nations Security Council, as one of the major parties supporting the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over the Sahara region.

In this context, a report by the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle stated that after five decades of conflict in the Sahara, the end of the dispute appears imminent. This shift follows a diplomatic change by France, triggered by a letter from French President Emmanuel Macron to King Mohammed VI, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the King's accession to the throne.

One of the factors bringing the Sahara conflict closer to resolution is France's commitment, as noted in the report, to now fully support Morocco’s plan for the Sahara. Sarah Zaïmi, a researcher and Deputy Director of Communications at the American Research Center, told Deutsche Welle that 'France's recognition is a highly symbolic step that could determine the fate of the Sahara conflict.'

The German report also cited Thomas M. Hill, Director of North Africa Programs at the United States Institute of Peace, who, in an opinion piece this month, concluded that 'the Sahara conflict is over' and that the Polisario Front 'has no choice but to eventually accept some form of autonomy within Morocco.'

The report further discussed other major countries supporting Morocco in the Sahara issue, noting increased international backing for Morocco in recent years. This includes Spain, which preceded France in announcing its support for Morocco's autonomy plan for the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty, as well as the United States, which had earlier recognized Morocco's full sovereignty over the Sahara region.

The report also highlighted Morocco’s support from other nations, including those in the Gulf, Africa, and Latin America, pointing to Morocco’s success in garnering backing from countries across various continents for its primary national cause.

Furthermore, the report mentioned that France’s support for Morocco in the Sahara issue is driven by several factors besides resolving the conflict. These include France’s desire to maintain its presence in the region following its declining influence in the Sahel, as well as its aim to address irregular migration. Paris is relying on Morocco to help curb the flow of migrants to Europe.

It is worth noting that France's recent stance has sparked a diplomatic crisis between France and Algeria, the latter having withdrawn its ambassador from Paris to downgrade relations and vowed to take countermeasures against France in due course. France has yet to comment on Algeria’s actions.

Wed 6:00
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