Spain Commends Morocco's Efforts in Curbing Irregular Migrant Flows

Spain has praised Morocco's efforts in combating irregular migration, particularly in recent weeks, following increased pressure around the occupied city of Ceuta and a rise in mass attempts by migrants of various African nationalities to breach the city’s borders.

According to reports from the Spanish press on Monday morning, the President of Ceuta, Juan Vivas, who belongs to the Popular Party, commended the cooperation of Moroccan forces in preventing hundreds of irregular migrants from reaching Ceuta, especially in the early hours of the morning.

Vivas stated in media remarks that Moroccan forces have prevented nearly 300 migrants from reaching Ceuta since midnight, as they attempted to infiltrate the city by swimming en masse. He pointed out that without Morocco's cooperation, the situation in Ceuta would have been much more difficult.

This praise from Spain comes after Moroccan auxiliary forces experienced a significant state of alert on the beach of Fnideq late last night and in the early hours of Sunday morning, due to the attempts of hundreds of migrants to reach the occupied city of Ceuta by swimming under the cover of thick fog, which has returned to the area.

Sources from the Moroccan auxiliary forces told "Assahifa" that the fog attracted hundreds of people to Fnideq late last night, aiming to carry out collective attempts to reach Ceuta. This prompted the auxiliary forces to mobilize all their personnel to thwart these migration attempts.

The same sources added that certain videos that went viral on the popular social media platform TikTok also contributed to encouraging a large number of people to attempt to infiltrate Ceuta. Some of these videos were filmed by migrants after they reached the occupied city and were posted on the platform, accompanied by comments suggesting that the migration process was easy.

Regarding these videos, Juan Vivas, the President of Ceuta, warned against their dissemination and the false promotion of attempts to reach Ceuta. He also pointed out that many of these videos are not accurate and reassured the residents of the city that the situation is currently under control.

In recent weeks, Ceuta and its surroundings have been under significant pressure due to the hundreds of migrants attempting to exploit the summer season and the influx of vacationers to the beaches of Fnideq, along with the frequent fog that hinders monitoring efforts, particularly at night, leading to renewed attempts to infiltrate Ceuta.

Wed 6:00
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