Twitter on Thursday said it is worried about the safety of its staff in India and called for the government to respect freedom of expression, days after Indian police visited its office in New Delhi over its labeling of a tweet by a governing party spokesman as “manipulated media.” Twitter has been involved in a ...
Russia’s media watchdog has threatened to slow down the speed of Google if it fails to delete what it calls "unlawful content." Roskomnadzor has given Google 24 hours ...
Microsoft Corp is pulling the plug on its once omnipresent browser, Internet Explorer, next year as it prepares to battle market leader Chrome with its slicker Edge browser. Launched ...
WhatsApp will not delete accounts and still cannot see users' personal messages, the popular messaging app pledged Saturday, the day when controversial updates to its privacy policy took ...
Italy's Competition Authority (AGCM) has fined Google about 102 million euros (123 million U.S. dollars) for abusing its dominant position in the Italian market, the authority said in ...
China’s commerce ministry on Thursday welcomed the removal of Xiaomi Corp. from a U.S. government blacklist, a day after the U.S. reversed a ban on U.S. investments in ...
Alphabet Inc's Google has launched international money transfer partnerships with remittances firms Wise and Western Union Co for users of its U.S. payments app, the companies said on Tuesday. Google ...
NASA released the first audio recording from one its Ingenuity helicopter's flights on Mars on Friday. The Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars in February with the mini-helicopter ...
Twitter will now prompt users to review and revise "potentially harmful or offensive" replies. The social media platform, which has often faced criticism over abusive user behaviour, tested the feature last year. Twitter said the tests showed that the prompts reduced offensive replies. On Wednesday, the company said it would roll the prompts out to ...
U.S. air safety officials have asked Boeing Co to supply fresh analysis and documentation showing numerous 737 MAX subsystems would not be affected by electrical grounding issues first ...