Morocco-Mauritania: Parliamentary Friendship Groups Play Key Role in Boosting Bilateral Relations

The House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco and the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania underscored the key role of joint parliamentary friendship groups in promoting parliamentary cooperation and boosting bilateral relations.

In a joint statement issued at the end of the working visit to Nouakchott on February 09-10 by the House of Representatives Speaker, Rachid Talbi Alami, the two legislative institutions called for further strengthening of their cooperation on several levels.

These include exchanges of experience in the fields of legislation, training, audiovisual communication, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary communication techniques.

The two legislative institutions reiterated their determination to launch the Morocco-Mauritania Parliamentary Forum as soon as possible, which will also bring together representatives of the Executive, businessmen and experts from both countries.

The distinguished relations between the two institutions stem from the deep religious and cultural bonds rooted in the history between the Moroccan and Mauritanian peoples, says the statement.

The visit by the Moroccan parliamentary delegation was marked by fruitful discussions with their Mauritanian counterparts, focusing on ways of strengthening cooperation between the two legislative institutions, so as to raise them to the level of strategic cooperation, as desired by the two countries' leaders, King Mohammed VI and Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, to establish a cooperation commensurate with the deep common ties and relations of mutual friendship and esteem.

In addition, the two institutions expressed their commitment to "the building of the Arab Maghreb Union as a strategic choice and an important irreversible achievement,” calling for "intensified efforts to overcome the obstacles and impediments facing the Maghreb union.”

At the end of his visit, Talbi Alami invited his Mauritanian counterpart, Mohamed Ould Meguett, to pay a fraternal and friendly visit to Morocco, the press release concluded.

Leading an important parliamentary delegation, Talbi Alami paid a two-day working visit to Nouakchott, at the invitation of the President of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

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