PCNS launches 2023 edition of its Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program "ADEL"

As part of the Atlantic Dialogues conference, which brings together eminent figures from the Atlantic Basin, the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) launches the 2023 edition of its program : Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL).

The Policy Center: A hub for young leaders

Each year, the Policy Center for the New South brings together 30 to 50 young leaders between the ages of 25 and 35 who have demonstrated leadership and initiative in a variety of fields, including politics, finance, business, civil society, research and media. These young people aspire to make a significant impact in their respective fields. The ADEL program enables these young leaders to participate in shaping policy and building narratives. This year, 43 young leaders from 26 countries will join the community of 380 past participants. They will participate in leadership training seminars and workshops from December 11-13, helping to enrich the exchange of ideas and experiences within the ADEL program.

ADEL: an innovative vision of leadership focused on the Atlantic and Africa

The ADEL program is distinguished by its commitment to the Atlantic region and Africa, offering participants a perspective that is specific and relevant to these geographic areas. Its uniqueness lies in its inclusive approach, actively integrating past participants into its ongoing programming, creating a dynamic and collaborative community.  The program forges links between young professionals from the North and the South, fostering rich cultural exchange and greater mutual understanding.

In addition, the program integrates participants into the prestigious Atlantic Dialogues conference, providing a unique platform to actively contribute to international discussions and intergenerational perspectives with the region's leaders (present and past). Thus, the combination of the Atlantic and African focus, the inclusion of alumni participants, and the connection between young people from North and South make the ADEL program an exceptional leadership experience that transcends borders and strengthens the social and professional fabric of participants.

Atlantic excellence at the Rendezvous

For this 12th edition, 1200 young people between the ages of 25 and 35 submitted exceptional applications. A sign of the success of the program and its excellence in the Atlantic and Morocco. The rigorous three-step selection process ensures that only the most qualified and suitable candidates are retained, thereby reinforcing the quality of each cohort. The selection process is based on four criteria: initiative, leadership potential, vision, and ambition to strengthen transatlantic ties.

The 2023 Emerging Leaders include 29 women and 14 men. They include 15 Africans, 10 Europeans, 9 North Americans, 8 South Americans and Caribbeans, and 1 Asian. In terms of sectoral breakdown, the participants are as follows 30% from civil society or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 15% from the private sector, 15% from governments, 12.5% from international organizations, 7.5% from the public sector, and 5% from academia.

To name but a few: Tony Bishop (USA), Senior Advisor, The White House: Office of the National Cyber Director; Stella Chelangat Mutai (Kenya), Geospatial Consultant, World Food Programme - United Nations; Khadija Hamouchi (Belgium), Innovation Projects Coordinator, International Telecommunication Union; David Lawless (Canada), Senior Policy Advisor, Government of Canada; Bitania Lulu Berhanu (Ethiopia), Program Director, Amref Health Africa; and Thiago Elert Soares (Brazil), Partnership Officer, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

This year's ADEL program promises a stimulating variety of sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to explore opportunities in the Atlantic Basin, hone their storytelling skills, discuss sustainability in public policy, and maximize the power of networking. As a comprehensive educational experience, the ADEL program aims to develop emerging leaders in an engaging and relevant way.

Click here to read the biographies of the ADEL 2023 members.

Building a Resilient Community

The ADEL program aims to create a community that lives beyond the Atlantic Dialogues conference, with opportunities throughout the year to contribute to Policy Center publications or take on speaking roles at think tank events and conferences. In 2022, ADEL alumni published numerous op-eds on the Policy Center website and participated in the African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) in Rabat. In addition, ADEL 2018 alumni Ahmed Rachid El-Khattabi and Hamza Rkha Chaham both contributed to the Atlantic Currents report presented at the inaugural 11th Atlantic Dialogues. In 2023, the ADELs published 8 op-eds on the Policy Center platform.

Throughout the 12th Conference, this new cohort will participate in the main debate and interact with the entire Atlantic Dialogues community. As usual, the closing plenary session will be dedicated to this cohort to ensure that the voice of the future of the Atlantic Basin is heard.

About the Policy Center for the New South

The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) is a Moroccan think tank whose mission is to contribute to the improvement of economic, social and international public policies concerning Morocco and Africa as integral parts of the global South. As such, the PCNS mobilizes researchers, publishes their work and benefits from a network of prestigious partners from all continents. Throughout the year, the PCNS organizes a series of meetings of different formats and levels, the most important of which are the annual international conferences "The Atlantic Dialogues" and "African Peace and Security Annual Conference" (APSACO).

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