The Moroccan Sahara: France Ignores Algeria's Anger

France has not yet issued any official stance against Algeria's escalation towards it. This escalation was manifested in Algeria's statements and retaliatory decisions against Paris, following France's official announcement of its support for Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara.

Algeria decided to withdraw its ambassador from France to downgrade diplomatic relations. Additionally, the Algerian Foreign Minister announced that measures against Paris would be taken at a later date. Recently, Algeria also refused to accept Algerian migrants deported by France and ordered the French plane to return to where it came from.

Despite this Algerian escalation, Paris has opted for silence, a move that closely resembles the approach Morocco has adopted towards Algeria in recent years. The latest example of this is Rabat's disregard for Algeria's Foreign Ministry statement preceding France's announcement of its position on the Sahara, in which Algeria referred to Morocco by name and described it as a "colonial" country.

In this context, political expert Mohammed Chiker said to Assahifa, commenting on Rabat and Paris's resort to silence in dealing with Algeria, that Morocco and France "seem to have chosen the diplomatic route in expressing their positions on the Sahara issue, preferring not to engage in Algeria's media attacks."

Chekir added that, in his view, the main reason for Morocco and France's silence and lack of response to Algeria "is that the French recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara was made at the highest political and diplomatic level through the letter sent by the French President to the Moroccan King on the occasion of the silver jubilee of his accession to the throne. The Moroccan King responded with a statement from the Royal Court, appreciating the new political and diplomatic stance and inviting Macron to visit Morocco at a time he deems appropriate."

Based on this, political expert Mohammed Chiker points out that there is no reason for either France or Morocco to engage in "any media or political debate after that," considering that the position on the Moroccan Sahara issue has been "decisively resolved at the highest level."

It is worth noting that Morocco has repeatedly ignored the accusations made by Algeria against Rabat on various issues. Algeria had previously accused Morocco of attempting to destabilize the country and claimed that Morocco's alliance with Israel was intended to target Algeria, along with several other accusations that Rabat chose not to respond to.

Similarly, France ignored, contrary to previous examples, Algeria's decision to withdraw its ambassador from Paris and recently ignored Algeria's refusal to accept its citizens who were deported by France due to their illegal presence on its territory.

Sat 12:00
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